Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Decorate in Stages Part 1

  Decorate in Stages

Find pieces that Speak to you:

As you can see my new white walls are bare. There is something so freeing about the pureness of white, blank walls. I tend to fill my walls slowly. I buy each decoration one-by-one. Sometimes I will go months without purchasing anything. A piece has to say something to me for it to warrant another nail hole on the walls. Sometimes a piece will speak to me through a memory, something I enjoy doing or simply through its’ texture allows me to feel comfortable, safe and at peace. 

"Your home should rise up to greet you, And at the end of the day, it should ground you in a sense of peace.” -Nate Berkus

  Unless the item speaks to me I don’t make the purchase. Is it something you are okay with looking at every day? If you can’t honestly answer “yes”, then wait. 

  Try to find a theme or consistent feel that you are going for in your home. This will allow you to purchase your decor wisely. 

  With our newly built farmhouse I wanted a relaxed, modern ski lodge feel. Below you can see several items I have hung over the doors leading out to our deck. How did I come up with these items?

  I grew up in Vermont and my husband and I love to ski so this was the ideal decor theme for us. My Mom just happened to have these old antique Snowshoes leaning in the corner of her home, but they tell a story. Several years ago my brother-in-law, Jason, gave the Snowshoes to my Mom. Prior to this, an elderly man in Vermont had gifted them to Jason. I can picture the old man now—- back in his glory days strapping on the Snowshoes to walk into town on a snowy, bitter cold Vermont day.

  This is just the beginning. I hope you will come back for more. I look forward to sharing more with you on Decorating in Stages. 

  “I believe your home should tell the story of who you are. What you love most collected and assembled in one space. All your objects, finds, hand-me-downs . . . spelling out who you are to the world. Fact is, there isn’t a single item in my own home that doesn’t have a story behind it. This book celebrates the philosophy that things do matter. They have to. They’re what we live with and touch every single day. They welcome us home at night and greet us each morning on our bedside table. They represent where we’ve been, who we’ve loved, and where we hope to go. They make us happy, and I can’t think of a more beautiful way to live than that "  —Nate Berkus

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